On December 5th, the Board will hold an Action Meeting at 4 p.m. Find materials here.

Preliminary eligibility statuses for School Selection are now available.
Log in to your application to view results, and learn more about the Review window HERE.

Participate in the Facilities Planning Process – Take the Feedback Survey, Attend a Community Conversation, or Join an Advisory Group.

Main Menu:

Welcome to 2nd Street – Home of the Sharswood Sharks!

“Successful people are like sharks, they keep moving forward, never back.”

Sharswood is a PK-8 school, serving approximately 375 students – We are a FAMILY! Sharswood will encourage students to work together to become responsible and respectful citizens while achieving high expectations and acceptance of all!

How to Pay for Field Trips / Events


School Open For Breakfast
9:00 -
Community Meeting
11:00 -
Lunch 1
11:45 -
Lunch 2
12:30 -
Lunch 3
1:15 -
Lunch 4

Sharswood would like to thank all of our community partners and sponsors!